Yoga Teacher Training

When we enter it is as if we hear our Mother's voice rounding the corner to the kitchen. It is a home of floating conversations in and out of familiar rooms. A home of comfort, encouragement and love. A lot of love. This home is magical. We have dance parties for any reason or no reason. It is a home that gently demands you believe in yourself and find compassion for others. This home asks us to help others when they are down and celebrate those that run far past us to their own success.  Knowing they will do the same for us without hesitation. Our home is real, honest and loving. A home that holds everyone safe and sacred. A home where tears can be met with giggles and then belly laughs with tears. And in this home we learn to celebrate every single breath we get to take on this earth. Every single one.  Emily Robinson, 2017

Where we practice yoga becomes home.

The Details:

Registration is open for my 200-hour and optional 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training will be opening (insert date). If you're ready to deepen your practice, cultivate authenticity, and potentially embark on a teaching career, this is your opportunity to be part of an transformative experience.

As a dedicated yoga practitioner and teacher for the past 14 years, Emily has witnessed firsthand the profound impact that yoga and mindfulness can have on every aspect of life. Through her own journey and the invaluable trainings she has attended, she has grown into a more authentic human being - as a mother, partner, friend, teacher, and eternal student.

This teacher training is designed for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the wisdom of yoga, whether you aspire to teach or simply seek personal growth. In collaboration with some of Emily’s most respected and beloved teachers, she has crafted a program that will provide you with a supportive space to explore, learn, and flourish.

The 200-hour training will span from September to early November, with strategically placed breaks and occasional back-to-back weekends. This structure allows you to fully immerse yourself in the teachings while still honoring your existing commitments to family, work, and self-care. We understand the importance of balance, and we are committed to creating a schedule that supports your growth both on and off the mat.

Throughout the training, we will explore a wide range of topics, including:

  • History of Yoga

  • How to teach yoga

  • How to be a student of yoga

  • Anatomy

  • Yoga assisting

  • Mobility

  • Chakras

  • How to teach and make yoga work for a western world

  • Kundalini

  • Yin yoga

  • Yoga nidra

“Where we practice yoga becomes a home. A home of encouragement, comfort, and love. In this home, we learn to celebrate every single breath we take on this earth.”

— Emily Robinson